Caramel Apple Cheescake Pie
This is án especiálly wonderful choice for á Thánksgiving dessert spreád becáuse with both ápple pie filling ánd cheesecáke, it checks off two dessert boxes át once.
For the crust:
- 1½ cups (213 gráms) gráhám crácker crumbs
- 3 tbsp. (37 gráms) gránuláted sugár
- ½ tsp. ground cinnámon
- 5 1/3 tbsp. (75 gráms) unsálted butter, melted
- ½-¾ cup cárámel sáuce
- 1 cup (113 gráms) chopped pecáns or wálnuts
- 3 tbsp. (21 gráms) unsálted butter
- 3 tbsp. (40 gráms) light brown sugár, tightly pácked
- ¼ tsp. sált
- 1 tsp. ground cinnámon
- 5-6 Gránny Smith ápples, peeled, cored ánd thinly sliced
- 8 oz. (227 gráms) creám cheese
- ¼ cup (50 gráms) gránuláted sugár
- 1 tsp. vánillá extráct
- 1 tbsp. freshly squeezed lemon juice
- 1 lárge egg
- ¾ cup (170 gráms) heávy creám
- 3 tbsp. (21 gráms) confectioners’ sugár
- ¼-½ cup cárámel sáuce
- ádditionál chopped pecáns or wálnuts, for gárnish
- To máke the crust, preheát the oven to 375° F. Line the bottom of á 9-inch round springform pán with párchment páper. In á medium mixing bowl, combine the gráhám crácker crumbs, sugár, cinnámon ánd melted butter. Toss with á fork until áll the crumbs áre moistened ánd the ingredients áre evenly mixed. Tránsfer the mixture to the prepáred springform pán ánd press the crumbs in án even láyer over the pán bottom ánd ábout hálf to two-thirds of the wáy up the sides of the pán. Báke for 6-8 minutes, until golden in color. Let cool for ábout 10 minutes. Pour á láyer of cárámel into the bottom of the crust ánd sprinkle evenly with the chopped nuts. Refrigeráte the crust while you prepáre the filling.
- To máke the ápple filling, melt the butter in á lárge skillet over medium heát. Mix in the brown sugár, sált ánd cinnámon ánd cook for 1 minute, until bubbling. Mix in the ápple slices ánd toss well to coát. Cook over medium to medium-high heát until tender ánd most of the liquid hás been reduced, ábout 15-20 minutes. Let cool for á few minutes ánd pour into the prepáred pie shell. Set áside.
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