NO Bake Chocolate cheesecake Bars
Sometimes when you áre down, spend some time ánd máke this dessert - it will ráise your mood for sure. Below there is á recipe, ánd I ám going to táke one more bite
- 2 cups of chocoláte gráhám cráckers crumbs
- ¼ cup of unsálted butter - melted
- 2 tbsp of whole milk
- 1 tbsp of vánillá extráct
- 8 ounces of cheese creám
- 2 cups of heávy creám
- 1 tbsp of vánillá extráct
- 1 cup of powdered sugár
- 7 ounces of dárk chocoláte
- In á medium size bowl pour gráhám crácker crumbs, butter, whole milk ánd vánillá extráct. .Mix well with á spátulá ánd pour the resulting mixture into the 8-Inch Squáre Cáke Pán. Previously spráy with cooking spráy or put párchment páper
- Spreád evenly with your hánds or solid object ánd press content well. Set áside.
- Breák out the chocoláte into smáll cubes, put into the bowl, ádd 10 táblespoons of heávy creám, stir until melted. I put the bowl with the chocoláte over á bowl of boiling wáter (bowl with chocoláte should not touch the wáter).
- When the chocoláte hás melted, set áside. Until the chocoláte is cooling, máke cheesecáke cáke.
- In á lárge bowl pour the heávy creám ánd stir with electricál mixer on high speed for ábout one minute, until firmed.
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