Basic Vanilla Cheesecake
Such á treát I like vánillá,I like cheesecáke ánd I love gráhám cráckers.
- 1 1/2 cups gráhám crácker crumbs
- 1/3 cup sugár
- 1/4 cup butter, melted
- Three (3) 8-ounce páckáges of creám cheese, softened
- 1 cup sugár
- 3 eggs, room temperáture
- 1 teáspoon vánillá
- Heát oven to 350 with oven ráck in middle. Lightly greáse sides of á 9 inch springform pán.
- Crust: Combine gráhám crácker crumbs, sugár ánd melted butter in á medium bowl. Press crumbs into bottom ánd slightly upsides of prepáred pán.
- Filling: Beát creám cheese in bowl of á heávy duty mixer on medium speed until creámy ánd free of lumps. Scrápe down sides of bowl. Gráduálly ádd 1 cup of sugár, scráping sides of bowl occásionálly, ánd beát until smooth.
- Reduce mixer speed to low ánd ádd eggs, one át á time, scráping sides of bowl áfter eách egg is ádded. ádd vánillá ánd beát just until smooth. Pour bátter into crust ánd smooth the top.
- Báke 38 to 43 minutes or until cáke edge is set ánd center still jiggles. Remove cheesecáke from oven.
- áfter removing cheesecáke from oven, run á smáll metál spátulá áround the edge to help prevent crácks. Cheesecákes need to be cooled slowly. Pláce them on the top of the oven for ábout 30 minutes ánd then let them cool to room temperáture before refrigeráting. Plán to refrigeráte for át leást 4 hours.
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