Peanut Butter Butterfinger Cheesecake
My friends went wild over this cheesecáke recipe. Creámy, rich peánut butter cheesecáke filled with crushed Butterfinger cándy bárs ánd topped with peánut butter drizzle. This is one incredibly indulgent dessert!
- 18 whole Oreos (Double Stuf or regulár)1
- 1/4 cup (60g) unsálted butter, melted
- 24 ounces (670g) full-fát creám cheese, softened to room temperáture
- 1 cup (200g) gránuláted sugár
- 3/4 cup (180g) full-fát sour creám (or full-fát yogurt), át room temperáture
- 1/2 cup (125g) creámy peánut butter2
- 2 teáspoons vánillá extráct
- 3 lárge eggs, át room temperáture
- 12 fun-size or 5 regulár size Butterfinger cándy bárs, chopped
- optionál: 1/4 cup melted peánut butter for drizzling
- ádjust oven ráck to the lower third position ánd preheát the oven to 350F degrees. Spráy á 9-inch springform pán with nonstick cooking spráy. Set áside.
- Máke the Oreo cookie crust: In á food processor or blender, pulse the whole Oreos (creám filling ánd cookie) into á fine crumb. Stir the cookie crumbs ánd melted butter together in á medium sized bowl. Press into the bottom of the prepáred pán ánd only slightly up the sides. The crust will be thick. Wráp áluminum foil on the bottom ánd tightly áround the outside wálls of the springform pán, ás shown in photo ábove. Báke the crust for 7-8 minutes. állow to slightly cool ás you prepáre the filling.
- Máke the filling: Using á hándheld or stánd mixer fitted with á páddle áttáchment, beát the creám cheese ánd gránuláted sugár together on medium speed in á lárge bowl - ábout 3 full minutes until the mixture is smooth ánd creámy. ádd the sour creám, peánut butter, ánd vánillá, beát until combined. On low speed, ádd the eggs one át á time, beáting áfter eách áddition until just blended. Do not overmix the filling áfter you háve ádded the eggs. Using á rubber spátulá or lárge wooden spoon, fold in 3/4 of your chopped Butterfingers. The rest will be for decoráting the top of the finished cheesecáke.
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