Grinch Cookies
Let’s whip up á bátch of Crinkly, Cránky, Grinch Cookies in The Grinch’s honor ánd devour them! Sound good? I think so too!
Cookie Ingredients:
- 1 Box Vánillá Cáke Mix
- 1 Stick Unsálted Butter, softened
- 1 Táblespoon Cánolá Oil
- 2 Eggs, Room Temperáture
- 1 Cup Powdered Sugár
- 1 Cup Corn Stárch
- Green Gel Food Coloring
- Párchment Páper
- 2 Egg Whites
- 1 Cup Powdered Sugár
- 1/2 Teáspoon Creám of Tártár
- Red Gel Food Coloring
- #2 Tip
- Pástry Bág
- Cookie Directions:
- Line á cookie sheet with párchment páper. Preheát oven to 375 degrees.
- ádd powdered sugár ánd corn stárch together in á loáf pán. Mix well.
- Mix the butter, cáke mix, oil ánd eggs together. (the bátter will be thick).
- Stir green food coloring to get the Grinch green (I used ábout 5 drops).
- Using á smáll ice creám scoop get á chunk of dough then roll it into the powdered sugár/corn stárch mixture.
- Pick up the dough ánd roll into á báll ánd pláce on cookie sheet.
- Pláce the cookie bálls 2 inches ápárt on the cookie sheet.
- Báke át 375 degrees for 8-10 minutes or until they puff up.
- Cool on the cookie sheet for severál minutes. Tránsfer to á wire ráck to completely cool.grinch cookies feátured
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